An online live attendance solution to help you manage your alternative provision cohort. Get live reports on who is where and counts/percentages by provider. Ensure you meet your safeguarding responsibilities. Quality assure your providers and examine management information to help you plan.
Manage your whole alternative provision cohort. Set, change and review timetables . Mange and quality assure your providers. Let your Key Workers and Education Welfare Officers know instantly where any of their case load is at any time. Instant live attendance per child. Reports to detail alternative provision attendance at a cohort level between any two dates. See reports grouped by provider, filtered by school. The referral process is embedded within the system so you can gate keep and monitor the appropriateness of referrals.
Manage you cohort on any given day and session. Simply contact the school with comments or added detail. As soon as you enter a mark the school can see it. No more collating paper records or sending information to multiple sources. Enter the data once and only once. Receive all referral applications through the same system. Making it much easier to manage your cohort of children.
Manage you cohort on any given day and session. See attendance marks instantly, contact providers when there is an issue. See attendance reports across multiple providers ensuring you have a complete and accurate attendance record for all of your alternative provision cohort. Send referrals directly to providers with suggested or required timetables. Manage timetable clashes and respond instantly to providers.